Everything You Need To Know About Combat In Little Witch Nobeta

2023-03-08 14:34:02 By : Ms. Kaibo Kaibo

Having trouble defeating the enemies you encounter? Learn some combat tips to help you get through the game and defeat standard enemies.

On top of exploring and finding various items, you must fight off enemies to progress in Little Witch Nobeta. Doing so requires you to think about the combat, identify how you want to approach it, and survive against enemies or bosses. With that in mind, you’ll want to review combat tips to win every battle and perform well.

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Since combat remains a crucial part of the game, you won’t want to take too much damage while playing. On top of dodging and doing your best, you’ll want to utilize other combat tips to survive and defeat any enemies you encounter.

Even though the game has a Soulsbourne structure, you’ll want to treat it like a third-person shooter by remembering some crucial points.

What They Mean And Their Relation To Third-Person Shooters

Each magic spell functions like a bullet type.

You'll want to use different magic spells based on the situation.

Since your mana functions as your ammo, you won't have to juggle your magic types. You can simply choose the best one for the situation.

You can hide behind walls to put a barrier between you and the enemy, allowing you to avoid damage.

They can't damage you if you have a wall between you and the enemy. Most enemy projectiles won't go through solid objects, allowing you to use any nearby pillars, walls, and barriers to avoid damage. On top of that, you can utilize the cover to catch your breath, think about the situation, and figure out what you should do.

Generally speaking, you want to avoid physical attacks when possible. They don’t deal much damage and increase your odds of getting attacked. Stick with magic spells when you can.

Even though staff attacks aren’t the strongest, they do have their uses.

Generally speaking, you’ll want to play it safe while you go through Little Witch Nobeta. Enemies can quickly overpower you, especially at higher difficulties, so use your long-ranged attacks to your advantage.

As you fight enemies, you’ll have moments of downtime where the opponents prepare their attacks. You shouldn’t be afraid to wait and see what they do when this happens. Doing so can benefit you in multiple ways.

Waiting remains one of your most essential tools in this game. Even though it takes time, and you may want to rush through the game, you don't want to die and return to the statue.

On top of that, the enemies could knock you into lava or other instant death pits if you aren't careful. You'll want to take in your surroundings, wait, and see what you can do to defeat them.

If waiting doesn't work, or you find the enemies deal too much damage to you, don't be afraid to farm soul essence and use it to strengthen your Health and other stats.

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You can charge the four attacking spells, allowing you to add special effects to them. For example, the fire spell shoots a powerful fireball with an explosion, while the ice spell lets you lock onto three enemies and attack them.

Since charging attacks takes time, you'll want to plan around it to avoid enemy attacks while launching them at the right moment. You can utilize them in a few crucial moments to cover your needs.

You can charge an attack if you see an enemy in the distance. Since it'll only last until the charge runs out, you can shoot the attack and deal significant damage.

Charge Them Behind A Barrier

You may find barriers as you fight enemies, so use them to charge an attack. You can unleash the attack on your enemies by popping around the barrier.

Use Them Against Bosses And Large Enemies

Since larger enemies and bosses take longer to attack, you can charge between their attacks. You can also predict their attacks and react accordingly to fill your meter.

If you decide to charge your magic, you should pay attention to the top-left corner. You must use it before the meter runs out, or you'll need to charge it again.

Since enemies have projectiles, some will attack you without you knowing. If they send an attack your way, you can find the source and handle the situation by keeping a few points in mind.

This matters even more if you find yourself in an area with instant death pits. You don't want a projectile to hit you and knock you into the pit, so look for them and take out the enemies, so they don't catch you by surprise.

If you can't find their location, hide behind a wall or pillar to help you find the source of the attack.

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Little Witch Nobeta follows the Soulsbourne structure by not letting you use items immediately. To make it worse, if an enemy attacks you while you try to use an item, you'll drop it and need to pick it back up if you want to use it. With that in mind, you'll need to look for a few circumstances to avoid this problem.

While you may think you can progress by staying at a statue and healing when necessary, interacting with a statue also revives the enemies. You need to know how to utilize your items or be patient enough to stand still and slowly wait for your health to restore.

Even though you can use your Stamina to run around and do some platforming, you should save your Stamina. Sure, you can use it, but don't let your Stamina drop below 50 percent, or you could run into an enemy and face problems.

For instance, you may need to roll multiple times in a row, so you'll need to have some Stamina ready. You'll also find moments where you'll perform a jump and find some enemies that spawn on the ledge. You can then fight them off and make it easier to avoid damage with your dodge.

You also have to remain careful about sprinting in combat. If you sprint and run out of Stamina, you'll trip and can't dodge any attacks. However, Stamina refills relatively fast, so just walk, watch the enemies, and wait for your Stamina to refill.

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Garrett Garcia graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English. He currently works as a Freelance Writer and has done so since 2019. He loves to write, read, play video games, and watch YouTube videos.